Americana Star Garland-Free crochet pattern

Here is a quick and easy garland perfect for showing your patriotic spirit. Each star is only one round of stitching and only takes about 3 minutes to make.  It is made with Vanna’s Choice yarn and a size I crochet hook, although you could use any size yarn and coordinating hook. You can also make the stars in different colors and use for decorating for parties or other holidays. This free crochet pattern is a great stash buster too.  The possibilities are endless!


Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice- 1 skein each of Brick, Dusty Blue, & Fisherman (worsted weight/Category 4)

Size I crochet hook


In a magic loop (sc, ch 2, tr, ch 2) 5 times. Join with slip stitch to top of 1st sc. Weave in ends. Make as many as you would like for the length of garland.


The garland is simply a crocheted chain with single crochets worked into one point of each star.

Ch about 10 inches for the beginning. *Sc into one point of a star, ch 12, rep from * to last star. Ch about 10 inches for end of garland. Fasten off.

Hang your garland and enjoy! 🙂